“A lie told often enough becomes the truth.”
– Vladimir Lenin
Some of the following information is true; the rest, false. #

Organisational Information
Organisation Type: International secret organisation organised as a dictatorial mass surveillant entity.
Founder: The Administrator
Leader: O5 Council
Status: Active
Net Worth: $136,419,000,000,000,000
Historical Information
Date Founded: 05/12/1457
Date Fragmented: 1941-1948
The SCP Foundation is a secret organisation focused on containment of anomalies, organised as a dictatorial entity.
The SCP Foundation is an entity that works above all world governments; including the United Nations.
The “SCP” acronym in the name is considered redundant to have a full name.
Researchers are commonly equipped with a Glock-22.
Mottos #
• “Secure. Contain. Protect” – De facto motto, taken from their mission statement.
• “Be cold, not cruel” – De facto motto, usually told to new recruits.
• “We die in the dark so you can live in the light” – De jure motto, usually uttered when partaking in a dangerous situation.
Personnel Classification #
A-Class #
A-Class personnel are usually O5 Council, B-Class personnel who have direct access to the O5 Council and Directors.
Notable members include Alto Clef, Benjamin Kondraki, Elias Shaw, and Jack Bright.
A-Class personnel make up the first minority of personnel.
B-Class #
B-Class personnel are personnel who have direct access to anomalies that are deemed not strictly hostile or dangerous.
B-Class personnel are the same as C-Class, with the exception of a Senior clearance.
Notable members include Mardokhey Ostrovoski.
B-Class personnel make up the second minority of personnel.
C-Class #
C-Class personnel are personnel who have direct access to anomalies that are deemed not strictly hostile or dangerous.
C-Class personnel make up the second majority of personnel.
D-Class #

D-Class personnel are test subjects abducted or otherwise convinced to join from death row to participate in experiments that are either too dangerous or far too lethal for a researcher or higher classification personnel to perform. Jokes are usually made about the “D” standing for “Disposable”.
In times when the death row supply is limited, Protocol 12 can be enacted, allowing for the acquisition of D-Class from political prisoners, refugee populations, and willing participants.
In the event of a catastrophic containment breach that does not require a nuclear detonation, all D-Class are to be either terminated or contained in a secure section of the site.
The common uniform for a D-Class is dependent on experience.
• Recently joined: Orange jumpsuit; treated like normal.
• Month of experience: Burnt orange jumpsuit; treated with slightly more precaution.
• Three months of experience: Red jumpsuit; treated with more precaution.
• Six months of experience: Dark red jumpsuit; treated with extreme precaution.
• Eight months of experience: Black jumpsuit; treated with the most precaution.
• Nine months of experience: Terminated.
D-Class personnel make up the first majority of personnel.
E-Class #
E-Class personnel are D-Class personnel or a higher classification that were exposed to a potentially harmful anomaly, and therefore quarantined. E-Class personnel are the third minority of personnel.
The common procedure when someone is confirmed to have been harmed by an infectious and harmful anomaly is a lethal injection.
Sites #
“Sites” is the umbrella term for a multitude of different classified locations, commonly used for research, containment, and bunkers.
“Areas” is a different term referring to classified locations that are significantly smaller than most sites, allowing for Areas to be hidden in a public location. Areas are used for research and bunkers, not containment.
“Outposts” is another term for Sites referring to classified locations that are near a Site or Area and are significantly smaller, usually to contain one inanimate anomaly.
“Observation Posts” is a term for towers usually disguised as fire lookout towers to keep an eye on Sites, Areas, and Outposts
There are three designations for Areas, “Research“, “Bunker“, and “Surveillance“
There are three designations for Sites, “Containment“, “Research“, “Bunker“.
The prefixes for the designations are as follows:
• “Humanoid” – Used before “Containment“. Denotes a containment Site specializing in the containment of humanoid anomalies.
• “Exclusionary” – Used before any designation. Denotes a Site that is unable to be affected by reality-altering anomalies. Exclusionary Sites are sometimes built outside of reality itself.
• “Extrasolar” – Used before “Containment” and “Research“. Denotes a Site that is outside of the solar system containing Earth.
• “Lunar” – Used before “Containment” and “Research“. Denotes a Site that is on the Moon.
The current largest Site in operation is Site-19, disguised as the Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center.
Site Warhead #

Every site is equipped with a nuclear warhead in case of a catastrophic containment breach. They are used as a last resort.
Three codes need to be entered inside the site to activate the warhead countdown from 15. Every exit is closed and sealed the moment the codes are entered.
Site-761 currently has the smallest nuclear warhead; measuring at 8 kilotons.
Site-62B had the largest nuclear warhead before it was detonated in 1968 to stop SCP-579. The warhead measured at 200 megatons and was stored in Site-62B, which was in Yakutsk, a cover story of Yakutsk still existing was immediately formed. The gif of the explosion was taken in the waters near Kamchatka.
Site-62B’s warhead was the largest in Foundation control and the largest to be designed/detonated.
Splinter Groups #
• RPC Authority (1941-present) – Paramilitary secret organisation focused on researching anomalies instead of containment.
• Chaos Insurgency (1948-present) – Paramilitary secret organisation focused on stealing anomalies to use for their own gain.
Notes #
“Something of note, for those who think they can get away with mistreating anomalies. The third section of our mission statement, “Protect“, doesn’t mean we have to only protect mankind from anomalies, we have to also protect anomalies from mankind. I hope everyone understands this now.” – O5-1

“SCP-579” by “scroton”, rewritten by “Sophia Light” – https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-579
“Alto Clef” by “DrClef” – https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/drclef-member-page
“Elias Shaw” by “djkaktus” – https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/djkaktus for lack of a better link
“Jack Bright” by “AdminBright” – https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/dr-bright-s-personnel-file
“Benjamin Kondraki” by “DrKondraki” – https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/dr-kondraki-s-personnel-file
“Mardokhey Ostrovoski” by “ShiShiye”
Photos #
Filename: Logo_of_the_SCP_Foundation.png
Author: Spirit of Eagle
License: CC BY-SA 3.0
Source Link: Wikimedia
Filename: Class-D.png
Author: AlmightyFalcon
License: CC BY-SA 3.0
Source Link: SCP Database
Filename: CastleBravo1.gif
Author: GalaxyNite (page is literally empty)
License: Public Domain
Source Link: Wikimedia
Filename: SCP_Foundation_logo.png
Author: 6D
License: CC BY-SA 3.0
Source Link: Wikimedia
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